last night i went to fleet feet on my way home from work. i got shoes, capris (cause my chubby legs rub together when i run), a super duper sports bra, a belt with two bottles and a little pouch for keys/snacks/etc., some gummy snacks with carbs for energy, and some powder to make sports drink (yum!).
i spent ... a lot. there's no way i'm going to back out now, i CAN'T! i spent too much and now i have to run for the rest of my life. OH! i did get two shirts for free. yay! the guy who was helping me said i should stay away from cotton, and i said honestly, that i probably didn't own any shirts (besides work shirts) that weren't cotton. they had these freebie shirts that you get when you try on a certain brand of shoe, so he hooked me up. i was a little peeved this morning when i looked for my shoes on the internet and found them $40 cheaper on sale... grrrrr. i would go back and demand, i mean politely ask, for a refund, but then i looked to see how much those two shirts would have cost (between $30 and $60 each) so i think i'll be alright. : )
aaoooooo000000000000000ooooooohhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... let it go.
my lovely, running on cloud, shoes
ok, so now for the "fun" stuff. i woke up and got myself out of the house by 5:45 am. unfortunately it will have to be earlier than that, because my daughter is at home with her dad for the week due to holidays, but normally i drive her to citrus heights in the morning.
i started with a warm up walk, and i was feeling great! thinking "i can do this, yeah!" then after a few minutes i started jogging... here's where i start thinking "really? you think you can run 13 miles? you can't even run to the next stop sign." ok, so negative trains of thoughts cause wrecks eventually. i started thinking about how good i'll look in a bathing suit this year; it's been a while, and when i did look good in a bathing suit, i didn't think about it. i thought about how i know i feel better when i exercise, and that i'd keep going far enough away from my house that i'd have to keep going for a while to get back home. haha! trickery!
when i first left my house i had the idea of going to the park, going around it, and go back. i succeeded. note: if you've noticed, i keep saying "going," it's because although it would look better to say "running," i didn't even get close to running the whole way! i walked/ran, and "going" definitely looks better than "walk/running."
at one point, i was running (really running!) and some other runners went by and i was so happy that they came by at that moment! "See! I'm a runner too!" lol. i went back to walking after they passed.
so, how did it feel? i felt pretty good while i was running. (and by pretty good, i mean that i felt like i was going to die, but that i could keep going.) honestly, the only problem, was that i was totally out of breath! even when i was walking, it was hard to get an even breath. that was really the only thing that was stopping me. i didn't feel tired or lagging, i just couldn't breath... i guess that's pretty important! i kept remembering that i'd read i should be able to have a conversation with someone, while running. at one point while i was walking and catching my breath from running, i attempted to say out lout "i can have a conversation." i can't.
note to self: read up on how to breath and be able to converse.
the trip was 2.4 miles! woot! not 3 yet, which is what the training schedules start out at, but still, it's better than sleeping. let me rephrase that, running is not better than sleeping, but it is better for my health. luckily these training programs include lots of rest days.
i got back home and stretched for a few, and then eeeeww! i felt like puking. i had started feeling a little icky on the way back, but by the time i was out of the shower, i actually stood in front of the toilet. i ate a piece of wheat bread and sat down, and after a minute, all was well.
so now, at 1:17pm, i am starting to feel sore in my legs already. i wonder how that's going to feel tomorrow? rest day, whoo hoo! i do plan to do yoga though. stretching and breathing, and then some meditation- that can never hurt!!
i haven't quit yet, and i don't plan to. however, i think i will take the advice of the pro's at fleet feet and aim for a walk/run half marathon. i did think i was going to be able (somehow!) to run the whole thing, but it looks like having the will power is only PART of the game, and that my body needs to work up to that sort of endurance. i'll keep working on it! maybe the NEXT half marathon i can have a goal of running the whole thing. by the way, the half marathon i'm aiming for is only 10 and a half weeks away, on March 14th.
happy trails, ya'll.
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