Saturday, January 12, 2013

Mistakes are just learning opportunities

Yesterday Last week I tried drinking juice for breakfast for the first time. 

That was my very very first time "juicing" ever ( myself.  I tried Sister-in-Law's and it was yummy!).   I was horribly intimidated by the entire idea.   Partly, because I was introduced to the idea as a FAST.  Meaning, no food.   Yikes, that's enough to turn me away running.   I've been reading up on "juicing" and watched a documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Almost Dead."  Good stuff, definitely worth your time to watch.  It's on Netflix, available for streaming.

I'd decided not to do the fast, but instead, simply, add juicing to my life in general, maybe replacing a meal, but I was still intimidated.   I know this is completely irrational, but I was afraid of the machine itself.  I was afraid food was going to come flying out, or my hand would get sucked in and mangled.  Neither of those things happened.

I will however mention, to please be cautious when putting a bunch of crap down the garbage disposal.  I knew this already, and thought I was being careful, or basically put stuff down there like I would normally, but forgot that it was WAY more than normal.  So yeah, long story short, the sink got clogged, as did the drain for the dishwasher.  Don't let this happen to you.  The man will not appreciate trying to clean up chunks of veggie and fruit pulp when it's his bedtime.  Learn from my mistake.  ; )

Anyhow....  the juice I made that night, and since then, has mostly been pretty delicious, but aside from the taste, I love what it does for me.  When I drink it, I feel satisfied, so I actually decided that I'd replace it for my breakfast and switch my typical breakfast to my 10am snack. 

Reasons why that is relevant:

1 - I was basically eating two breakfasts.  I REALLY need the 10am snack so I don't pass out during my work out, but I realized I probably don't need a bunch of carbs and sugar just to sit at my desk for a couple hours (since I normally eat a wheat english muffin with peanut butter on it and coffee with sugary creamer) .  Freaking AH-HA! PLUS, since technically I am tracking points with Weight Watchers, the juice is FREE.  ZERO POINTS, but ridiculously good for me!

2 - Sister-in-Law told me this, and now I acutally get it (timing I guess), but now, I get most of the nutrients my body needs first thing in the morning and I'm done for the day.  So, whatever I end up eating, I"m not missing out on the good stuff, already got that handled first thing.  What a relief!     Note - I am not saying because I get all my veggies and fruit as juice for breakfast that I can eat like shit the rest of the day, MORE veggies never hurt anyone, I'm just saying I don't have to WORRY about it.  I still eat veggies through out the day as a main ingredient.

3 - This may not be relevant to anyone but me, but another irrational fear I had (or maybe rational...), was that I would be stuck in the bathroom...   so, naturally, I got really excited when I realized I wouldn't shit my pants immediately after drinking the juice, even with coffee.   GREAT!  


The man is drinking this juice willingly as well.  : )   He's been commuting to work by bike, three days a week.  FREAKING AWESOME!  I'm not even "making" him.  He's done it all by himself and I think he's really enjoying it.  I can tell he likes how he feels and he's proud.  : D   Not to mention it's been below freezing when he's leaving the house.  BRRRRR!!!!   But he's determined, and that my friends, is simply all it takes.  

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