However, I'm starting to realize that how I set myself up really determines how easy or hard it is.
The man and I actually went out to "shop" for water bottles this weekend. This may seem silly, but there were specific features I was looking for in water bottle that would help or hinder my goals. Realizing small things like this, and investing into making my life easier is a way that I am learning to set myself up for success.
Don't judge either... I know water bottles are easy to come by, but now since I'm using one religiously, every single day, and I have circumstances where I need to bottle to work for me.
My criteria:
- Not screw top. I was looking for a flip up or something. I don't want to have twist the lid five times each time I want a drink. The intent is to drink MORE water, not make it a chore to take a quick sip. ESPECIALLY in the middle of a work out. We only get a quick water break!!
- Not too many pieces. I'll need to wash this thing frequently, I don't want it to be like a damn sippy cup, where I have to take the pieces apart and let it dry completely to not worry about mold or bacteria.
- Not easily broken. There was cool flip up one, but it had a button that released it, and as awesome and convenient as that would have been, there's no doubt that I would have tossed that bottle and that sweet little flippy lid would have gone flying. Then I'd be stuck with another broken piece of crap.
- No sports squirty ones. Those piss me off because you have to either squeeze it or not, or blow air into it, and still sometimes water doesn't come out. And they make noise normally too. You'd think that wouldn't be so complicated, but again, I don't want to waste money on something and end up being stuck with something that isn't right for me.
-Want the measurements on the side. So simple, yet not all of them have it. I might want to measure something.... I could have lived without this feature, but I'm happy that I found one that had it. I typically use my free Body cup thingy for my protein shakes, and we actually purchased separate, smaller containers (that won't spill in back-packs) for our juice, but you never know!
KEY FEATURE - I have to be able to drink easily out of it without spilling it all over myself. With the big ol openings, where the entire lid that screws off, I inevitably am ready for a wet t-shirt contest. I use this at work and while driving, and not making an annoying mess is a deal-breaker for me. (Yes Sister-in-Law, I've heard of cups. There truly is a shortage here.)
-Has to fit in a cup holder. Using this in the car, need it to fit in the cup holder.
So, there you have it. I did actually find the perfect one. The funny thing about this one, is that I used one briefly when it was left at my house. I was happy to return it to the rightful owner when I found her, but I really liked it, and was sad to see it go. I'm very glad to have found one just for me, cause it's PERFECT!
The Winner:
Aladdin Bottle from Target
I'm not a picky bitch either, so don't go there. I've just had a million different water bottles and some of them are truly a pain in the ass. I like the idea of setting myself for success, and realizing that the tools I use through-out the day, including during work-outs, matters. Making life easy is a good way to do the things you want to do without the added stress. MAKE IT EASY FOR YOURSELF.
One day last week we went out for the man's birthday. Got home late, got the kid to bed, and then went straight to bed. Guess what I forgot? To set up all of the stuff I needed for the next day. I didn't use that as an excuse, I still got it together in the morning and worked out that day, but let me tell you, it was a huge pain in the ass, and I still ended up forgetting things.
The gym is right across the parking lot. It's easy... IF I'm prepared. Typically, the night before, I'll get my clothes together, put them in the back-pack, measure out my almond milk (the whey protein is at work already), and get my snacks together. Taking time out of an already busy morning and subsequently running late, rushing to grab everything and I forgot my food. I didn't have proper snacks on hand. I found something and I survived, but the whole situation was just a FAT ASS REMINDER that I need to get it all together the night before. Simply, setting myself up for success. Just small things like that will make or break my attempts to choose health.
The water and juice bottles, even if they seem unnecessary, were important to the man and I both. Even just something reliable to carry the juice in, knowing it won't be spilling all over his work clothes in his back-back is an important way to set up for success.
Purchasing sports bras. Yeah, maybe I didn't need to spend money on clothes right now, but since I'm participating in some hard-core, fast-paced, bouncing around classes, I needed the support. I feel comfortable, my clothes aren't limiting me, and I have enough that I don't run out before laundry happens on the weekend. It's an investment. An investment into my health and success in choosing health.
I'm noticing more and more these little changes that make life easily. Not just any life though, the life I want to have.
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